We are so glad that someone from our church family served you in some way through Serve Our City!
Redemption Church has 3 campuses : San Jose, CA | Greenville SC | Redemption Online!
One of our core values as a church is we “Serve like Crazy!” A few times a year we have an event called, Serve Our City. It is our desire to give back to our community and share the love of Jesus by serving in practical ways.
I’m not sure who served you, and where, but we just wanted to encourage you today! You matter to God, you matter to us, and we’d would love to be a blessing to you!
Check out our website and the family friendly resources below.
We’d love to see you at one of our weekend services.
Pastors Ron & Hope and Redemption Family

For those impacted by Hurricane Helene
315 Roe Road | Greenville
graffiti removal bayshore highway graffiti wall need painted over
Mop room
Ladies professional clothing room.
Beautification for courtyard section like we did last year
Add mulch
Plant Flowers
Power washing
Remove cobwebs from exterior of building
Closet room
pick up someone’s tab
Coordinate an opportunity for people to fellowship together.
Put together care packages for people
Do something nice for someone.
Select “Other” if you have a plan to share Jesus in a way we didn’t think of.