Hello everyone, Ron here. Hope and I just had a deep conversation on our podcast about sex before marriage and how it can affect sex after marriage. It was a raw and emotional discussion, but we felt it was important to share our experiences and insights.

We talked about how sex before marriage can create soul ties that can impact future relationships. We shared how our own experiences in this area affected our marriage, and how we had to work through breaking those soul ties to truly connect with each other.

We also discussed the importance of boundaries and self-control in relationships, and how a strong spiritual foundation can empower those boundaries. We shared how, despite past mistakes, we were able to rebuild trust and intimacy in our marriage through open communication and spiritual guidance.

It was a vulnerable and eye-opening conversation for us, and we hope it resonates with our listeners. We want to encourage everyone to have honest discussions about their past experiences and how they may be affecting their current relationships. It’s not easy, but it’s necessary for growth and healing.

If you’re struggling with issues related to sex and relationships, we encourage you to seek help and guidance from a trusted source. Remember, there is always hope and healing available to those who seek it.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of growth and transformation. Stay blessed and keep striving to live your best life.

With love, Ron and Hope.