Hey everyone, it’s Ron here, and welcome to Ron and Hope Unfiltered! Today, Hope is not with us, but don’t worry, she’ll be back soon. In the meantime, I’m holding down the fort and having some great conversations with Pastor Mendoza.

We dove into some deep topics during our chat, discussing the concerns and fears that Millennials face in today’s world. We touched on achievement, finance, and freedom – three major areas that seem to be on the minds of many young people today.

Achievement for Millennials seems to be tied to the idea of pursuing their goals and dreams while staying true to their values. Pastor Mendoza shared his personal struggles with balancing his desire for success with his calling to ministry. It’s a reminder that success is not just about money or material possessions, but about living a life that is fulfilling and aligned with your purpose.

When it comes to finance, the conversation shifted to the high cost of living in certain areas, like the Silicon Valley. Pastor Mendoza talked about the pressure he feels as he prepares to become a father and wonders if he’ll be able to provide for his family. We explored the idea of financial freedom and the importance of financial responsibility in achieving true freedom.

Lastly, we talked about freedom and how it’s often perceived as having no responsibilities. But true freedom, especially under God, is about living a life of purpose and significance. It’s not about avoiding work or responsibilities, but about using our gifts and talents to make a positive impact in the world.

As we delved into these topics, it became clear that many Millennials are struggling with the pressure to achieve, succeed financially, and find freedom in a world that often values instant gratification and superficial success. It’s important for us to remember that true fulfillment comes from living a life that is aligned with our values and purpose, rather than chasing after external markers of success.

I also shared some insights on delayed gratification and the importance of waiting for the harvest after planting seeds of hard work and perseverance. It’s a reminder that success takes time and effort, and that real achievement is often built on a foundation of patience and persistence.

In the end, it’s about finding a balance between achieving our goals, managing our finances responsibly, and living a life of purpose and significance. And most importantly, remembering that true freedom is not about avoiding responsibilities, but about using our talents and resources to make a positive impact in the world.

Thank you for tuning in to Ron and Hope Unfiltered. Stay tuned for more real, raw, and relevant conversations in the future. And remember, success is not just about the end result, but about the journey and the impact we make along the way. See you next time!