Hey everyone, Ron here. I just had such an intense conversation with Pastor Matt Jackson on our podcast today. We dove deep into the topic of the underdevelopment of the millennial and gen Z generations in American history.

One thing that really stood out to me during our conversation was the lack of value placed on knowing the word of God. The younger generations seem more focused on self-promotion, building large crowds, and following the latest trends rather than seeking the true anointing of God.

As someone who has been called to ministry, I feel a sense of responsibility to pass on the wisdom and anointing that I have received from previous generations. But it’s disheartening to see that the next generation doesn’t seem interested in seeking that same anointing.

I shared with Pastor Matt about my experiences and the importance of being called to ministry. I discussed how my calling has kept me going even when things got tough. I also expressed my concern about the lack of true calling and anointing among the younger generation of leaders.

But amidst all this, I do see hope. I believe that there are a few individuals like Pastor Matt who are hungry for the anointing of God and are willing to pass it on to the next generation. I hold on to the belief that a taste of revival will come from those who have never experienced it before.

I want to thank Pastor Matt for his kind words and for inspiring me to continue seeking the anointing of God and passing it on to the next generation. And to all of you listening, let’s continue to pursue the anointing of God and make a real impact in this world.

Until next time, stay passionate, stay hungry for God’s anointing, and keep seeking the truth in all things. Love you all, and see you soon on Ron and Hope Unfiltered.